Can You Imagine All the Magical, Wonderful Things That Can Happen Here??
There could be Mean Old Wicked Old Trolls Hiding in the Hills
Or Magical Fairy Princesses Waiting For You
Or.....Well, it's better to let you decide what you want in YOUR Magical Land!
MORE Stories and Poems That I've Found and Like
There was once a little girl who was very, very poor. Her father and mother had died, and at last she had no little room to stay
in, and no little bed to sleep in, and nothing more to eat except one piece of bread. So she said a prayer, put on her little jacket and
her hood, and took her piece of bread in her hand, and went out into the world.
When she had walked a little way, she met an old man, bent and thin. He looked at the piece of bread in her hand, and said,
``Will you give me your bread, little girl? I am very hungry.'' The little girl said, ``Yes,'' and gave him her piece of bread.
When she had walked a little farther she came upon a child, sitting by the path, crying. ``I am so cold!'' said the child. ``Won't
you give me your little hood, to keep my head warm?'' The little girl took off her hood and tied it on the child's head. Then she
went on her way.
After a time, as she went, she met another child. This one shivered with the cold, and she said to the little girl, ``Won't you give
me your jacket, little girl?'' And the little girl gave her her jacket. Then she went on again.
By-and-by she saw another child, crouching almost naked by the wayside. ``O little girl,'' said the child, ``won't you give me
your dress? I have nothing to keep me warm.'' So the little girl took off her dress and gave it to the other child. And now she had
nothing left but her little shirt. It grew dark, and the wind was cold, and the little girl crept into the woods, to sleep for the night.
But in the woods a child stood, weeping and naked. ``I am cold,'' she said, ``give me your little shirt!'' And the little girl thought, ``It is dark, and the woods will shelter me; I will give her my little shirt'';
so she did, and now she had nothing left in all the world.
She stood looking up at the sky, to say her night-time prayer. As she looked up, the whole skyful of stars fell in a shower round
her feet. There they were, on the ground, shining bright, and round. The little girl saw that they were silver dollars. And in the
midst of them was the finest little shirt, all woven out of silk! The little girl put on the little silk shirt, and gathered the star dollars;
and she was rich, all the days of her life.
The Crow and the Pitcher -- An Aesop Fable
A Crow, half-dead with thirst, came upon a Pitcher which had once been full of water; but when the Crow put its beak into the
mouth of the Pitcher he found that only very little water was left
in it, and that he could not reach far enough down to get at it.
He tried, and he tried, but at last had to give up in despair.
Then a thought came to him, and he took a pebble and dropped it
into the Pitcher. Then he took another pebble and dropped it into
the Pitcher. Then he took another pebble and dropped that into
the Pitcher. Then he took another pebble and dropped that into
the Pitcher. Then he took another pebble and dropped that into
the Pitcher. Then he took another pebble and dropped that into
the Pitcher. At last, at last, he saw the water mount up near
him, and after casting in a few more pebbles he was able to quench
his thirst and save his life.
Little by little does the trick.
(Or as the Chinese say..."The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step."
| | "Some People Say That Fleas Is Black
But I Know That Ain't So
'Cause Mary Had A Little Lamb
With Fleas As WHITE As SNOW!
Why the Morning Glory Climbs

A long time ago, the Morning Glory was a tall slender beautiful a tulip. One, in particular grew at the base of a big oak tree in the deep woods.
On one of the lower branches of this oak tree there was a small wren who had a nest...and inside it she had her babies. Three of them were healthy, and were soon able to fly very well.
The fourth baby tried, but broke his little wing, trying, so he was in the nest until his wing could mend.
Every day his brothers and sisters would fly back to the nest to tell him of the beautiful slender Morning Glory that bloomed at the bottom of the tree. This only made him sad, since he was unable to see the flower. He wanted to see it so badly that he cried and begged his Mother to take him to see it.
Now a wren is a very small bird, and the mother was too small to try to fly him down to see the Morning Glory, so she told him that he would have to wait until his wing healed. But they knew that winter would be here soon, and the Morning Glory would go away until the following spring.
They didn't know that the Morning Glory could hear them...and he wanted to see the baby wren with the broken wing as badly as the wren wanted to see him.
So the Morning Glory strettttcccchhhhed....and stretttccched...and soon was able to touch the rough bark of the tree. He put his leaves onto the tree and held on as tightly as he could.
And soon he was a little higher than he had been before...and soon higher yet...and soon he was CLIMBING the tree.
Finally he got the hang of climbing, and soon he was to the limb where the baby wren lay in the nest. He stuck his head into the nest and the baby wren smiled with love when he saw him...and he smiled with love back to the baby bird.
The little wren soon got well, and flew away, but he returns every year to the tree where he was born.
And to this day, Morning Glories all over the world climb trees to see if maybe there is a baby bird in a nest that would love to see them, too.
The Little Red Hen
Once upon a time a long time ago, in a far-away land, there lived a Little Red Hen. She was very hard-working, and she taught her children to be hard working too.
One day she found some seeds on the ground, and decided to plant them.
She asked Turkey Jerky if he would help her. "Not me," said Turkey Jerky.
She asked Moo Cow if she would help her plant them. "Not me", said Moo Cow.
She asked Goatie Woatie -- "Would YOU help me plant my seeds?" "Naaaaaaa" said Goatie Woatie...
She asked Hokey Pokie if he would help her...No, wait..I don't think Hokey Pokey is in this story. That must be something else. I never could get all those names right anyway!
Okay..she asked Horsey Porsey if he would help her...but Horsey Porsey didn't have the time, he said.
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Soon the seeds came up...and she asked them all if they would help her weed her garden.