The World's Greatest Books, Vol. XIII
Religion and Philosophy
Project Gutenberg is a site devoted to literature - FREE literature! They have selected books to be in several different volumes that they consider to be the "World's Greatest Books". In each volume are around twenty books, sort of like a Reader's Digest Condensed Book. These are more than "Cliff Notes" but not quite the entire book either.
The entire library of these books can be seen here:
The first eight volumes are in the category of "Fiction". The ninth and tenth are captioned "Lives and Letters" of famous men and women. I may put these on a further website, since there are so many wonderful men and women whose lives are here. (John Bunyan, Alexandre Dumas, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, et al.)
The eleventh book is Ancient and Medieval History. These include books by and about Ancient History, including the history of England, Egypt, etc. as well as books written by famous men of history, i.e. History of the War in Gaul written by Julius Caesar.
The twelfth book is Modern History. These are books showcasing the events of many countries during the "modern historical" period, including England, Spain, the U.S., etc. written by some of the more famous writers of their day.
Volume thirteen is this book: Religion and Philosophy. Religion, of course, means ALL religion, not just Christianity. Since I am a Christian, my original focus is to put these excellent books online first. I may, or may not, at some time put the rest of these online. I plan on putting ALL the books of Philosophy online. If you see a line under an author's name, it is a hyperlink. Click it and go to that writer's work.
Volume fourteen is Philosophy and Economics. These are, like the Religion and Philosophy, two separate volumes. "Philosophy" includes works like Plato, John Locke, etc.
Volume fifteen is "Science". These are works about and by inventors, and appear to be mostly about the scientific inventions that happened before 1800.
At present Volumes sixteen through eighteen are not offered. Volume nineteen is about "Travel and Adventure" and feature books about travel and adventure (of course), but they deal mostly with travel and adventure in antiquity, in places that I generally have no desire to read about. (There are a few exceptions, but probably not enough to make me want to download the book.) This ends to World's Greatest Books that are currently online (as on April 11, 2009).
These books can all be downloaded in plain text, to be read offline, or have websites where you can go and read them online. Since the books in plain text are very small downloads, about the size of a big jpg picture you may want to do that. I have downloaded many books from this site, all are what they are supposed to be. (I have been going to this site for over ten years.)
To download, just go to whatever format you want to see/read/download and right click the file. Select where you want to store the file (I suggest opening a folder on your hard drive called "Books" and sending them there.)
Otherwise though, just enjoy reading them, and hopefully you will enjoy reading some of the things that are in this site.
One other note: When you view the webpage that you want to look at, please click off the advertising box on the right side. That will make the centering appear as it was written.
Thanks and Enjoy,
Just a little explanation before you venture into this website. What it is and what it is not.
Now on to the index:
Table Of Contents: (Click onto anything that's underlined to go to that page.)
Table Of Contents: